WEDNESDAY 3.15.23: Evil’s Kingdom is Falling – Luke 10:1-24

Yesterday we read that Luke said Jesus “determined to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). He told his disciples he was “about to be delivered into human hands” (Luke 9:44). But he made this choice, not in defeat, but as a victorious march into his enemies’ stronghold. On his way to Jerusalem and the cross, Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning,” and “overflowed with joy.”

• Jesus talked with the seventy-two (or “seventy”—ancient copies of Luke differ on this minor point) after their mission ended. Their outward, visible success thrilled them. Jesus re-directed their thoughts. In 10:20, how did he turn their eyes to the true basis for Christian assurance in the future, regardless of outward appearances?

• “It’s too easy for Christians to make the mistake of thinking [Jesus] sailed through life with ease…. Jesus’ task is to…win the decisive victory which will open the way to God’s new creation.” 1 Jesus faced evil’s all-out assault, from the temptation (cf. Luke 4:1-13) to its peak in Jerusalem (cf. Luke 22:52-53), with assured joy. How can you share Jesus’ trust and joy even when evil seems in control?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you didn’t try to avoid pain and evil, but robbed it of power by absorbing the worst of it and coming out victorious. Teach me the difficult wisdom of your path to victory. Amen.

1Wright, N.T., Luke for Everyone (New Testament for Everyone) (pp. 123-125). SPCK. Kindle Edition.