MONDAY 3.20.23: Trust in God’s Sufficiency – Luke 12:8-34

Jesus used a simple, sobering parable to get his listeners (and us) to consider how far ahead our plans reach. For the rich fool hoarding his large crop, the sad answer was, “Not nearly far enough.”  Jesus no doubt appalled some hearers by saying, “One’s life isn’t determined by one’s possessions.”  This life, and the material goods we enjoy in it, will end. Only God can (and does) offer us eternity.

• Jesus spoke sadly of “those who hoard things for themselves and aren’t rich toward God.” His story said what we work (maybe even fight) so hard for does us no good when we die. Has your desire for material goods ever damaged your relationships with people or God? What helps you make sensible material plans without letting the stuff you think you “own” actually “own” you?

• When Jesus called his followers a “little flock,” they were. That wasn’t cause to fear. God liberally “delights” in giving them (and us, a much larger “flock”) the gift of God’s eternal kingdom. That’s why Jesus said we don’t need to worry. How does worry differ from wise foresight or planning?  Instead of worrying, what are more useful ways to meet life’s demands?

Prayer: Loving God, in fall foliage, spring flowers, or beautiful falling snow, every morning and every evening, you delight in giving me good gifts. Keep my generosity growing, even though it will never match the scale of yours. Amen.