GOOD FRIDAY 4.7.23: Clear Vision – Luke 22:63-23:11

Jesus’ enemies had dogged his footsteps through most of his public ministry. They claimed he was a false teacher, even demonic (cf. Luke 11:14-16). But when they had him in their power, the contrast
was striking. The leaders, sure of their “righteousness,” behaved in frenzied, unfair, cruel, hate-filled ways. Jesus remained calm and in control of himself.

• Luke said Jesus’ guards taunted and beat him BEFORE his trial (Luke 26:62, 66). This “trial” was like Alice in Wonderland— “verdict first, evidence later.” Even Pontius Pilate, a cynical Roman politician, saw through their charges, saying, “I find no legal basis for action against this man” (23:4). Has anyone ever treated you unfairly? How can you grow toward having the spirit with which Jesus met this unfair trial?

• The religious leaders loathed tax collectors for working with Rome. They easily forgot that “principle” to insist that the Roman procurator help kill Jesus. From God’s point of view, who was really on trial—Jesus, or Pilate and the religious leaders unwilling to even consider that Jesus might be who he claimed? When have you seen the use of bad means disgrace a desired goal?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I wasn’t part of that awful “kangaroo court” trial. But fear or prejudice can blind me, too. Forgive me, cleanse me, give me a clearer vision of how my actions heal or harm. Amen.