MONDAY 4.10.23: The Presence of Jesus – Luke 24:13-24
Kimberly Wallace

Luke shared details about Jesus’ birth that no other gospel included, and his research (Luke 1:3) found this unique story about the resurrection day. Jesus, unrecognized, walked with two disciples discussing recent events. They felt disillusioned (“we had hoped”—verse 21), sad about the crucifixion, and stunned that some women said Jesus’ body was not in the tomb. Note that these two followers gave no sign that they believed the report—just that it puzzled them.

• Scholar N. T. Wright noted, “It wasn’t simply…that they couldn’t recognize him. This is a strange feature of the resurrection stories, in Matthew (28:17) and John (20:14; 21:4, 12) as well as here . . . Jesus’ body, emerging from the tomb, had been transformed. It was the same, yet different—a mystery we shall perhaps never unravel until we ourselves share the same risen life.”1 Do you long to share the gift of that risen life, even the aspects that for now remain puzzling to us?

• Cleopas, like the other disciples, was still in the grip of preconceived ideas of what the Messiah would be and do (cf. Luke 9:44-45). In what ways can fixed assumptions today make it harder for you to trust the Bible’s testimony? When have you found greater joy and peace after letting God alter or overturn some fixed idea you may have held for years?

Prayer: Loving Lord, when I feel discouraged, disillusioned, or disbelieving, please come and join me on the road. It is at those particular times that I need your living, loving presence with me. Amen.

1Wright, N. T., Luke for Everyone (New Testament for Everyone) (p. 295). SPCK. Kindle Edition.